It's an obligation to update. ((updated))
i don't feel like posting an entirely new post...soo im not. I had fun tonight, despite work. It was really nice to sit around with a few awesome and nice friends. :) Jackie's long hair in Shanghai Knights was really disturbing. haha Oh well....I hate how I give advice to people and help them in their life, when I should be taking my own advice and listening to myself. I decided to set a goal for myself...I want to complete my physics project that is 1.5 months overdue...I don't know. That's quite the chore, but I did manage to steal someone else's project to copy (someone stole it from someone and gave it to me) it won't be too hard. I really can't remember why I am dad really wants me to go to the swinging with a star thing on Dec 6...I don't know why, and I don't think I will. If I buy all my Christmas gifts now, I won't be able to waste the money on things that will fuck up my life...hmmm might be a good idea. If you read this you get a gift. I think...well, if I know you. Soo I can tell there really isn't much time left with my grandma. I've been up there 3x...and since Thanksgiving things have really started to not look good. For right now, I think I'm okay...I'm not exactly sure how I'll react when she actually goes, though. On Christmass day my grandparents will have been married 65ish years...maybe, jusst maybe she'll hang in there until then. :\ I really want to spill my guts right now...figuratively speaking, of course. mmm thank you so much for those junior mints...I'm once again, really really tired....but I probably won't be sleeping anytime soon. I love my dog a lot. I haven't had anytime to be with him because of work. :(
Yeah, it, as I keep ssaying. my 's' key is fucked up pretty bad....I guesss it just turned super sensitive or something...but if I forget to fix an error, that's why. I'm really tired, and don't really feel like possting, but I will since I updated every other blog.
Right off the bat: I will barely be at jno this friday. There's a concert that night. haha Yeah, but I'll be there at 11ish....and SHAUN OF THE DEAD is the midnight MOVIE DEC 1
Life is okay...i know I haven't been "suzie" lately. And I'm ssorry...I have a few problems, my grandma being one you all know about. The other is a little obvious, but if you're really interested and don't know I'm down with telling you it if you're okay on my list. A few people have told me to censor shit like what I shouldnt be typing online. Apparently anybody can read it , soo someone you don't want to know would find out. I have no clue what I jsust wrote, and it kind of confusses me...
Next week (the dec 3-9 week) I decided I want to take a few dayss off of school and do NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. I'm going to lay in my bed all damn day and not move...unless I have to go to the exciting. :) oh yeah, and DEC 2 is my lasst day at work. It's sgoing to be alittle weird not having anything to do anymore...or will it? Well...I'm so tired. And I have to work AGAIN tomorrow. Pardon the complaining...but work is a very touchy topic to me. If you want to see me pisssed or flip some seriouss shit. Then talk to me about work. Or better yet, be like my mom and ask lots of quesstions about Junior mints...88 cents at walmart....mmmmm. I'm really tired...wouldn't it be cool if I had mono? Oh wait, no...maybe it wouldn't be.
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