.::it's all here::.

...a failed attempt to translate thoughts and feelings into words...

Tuesday, November 14


sooo haven't really felt like blogging much lately...I have a lot of shit on my mind. And it's not fun, and it would sure as hell not be fun to read. It's so not fun that I don't even want to get up in the morning anymore...I now get up at 7-710ish as opposed to 630 or 600, yep. well...One thing I'll tell you is that work wants me to stay. I knew that would happen...she gave me until today to decide...I don't know what to do. I feel raelly guilty, and since I rarely think about me first, I'll probably stay just so I don't feel bad and so they don't hate me...this sucks...it really truly sucks.

Anyway, there's a midnight movie this week. And I'm going despite the fact I have work in the early early morning....whomever else wants to come, come. I'll probably be driving myself. I'm supposed to go to the DMV at 2ish...and then insurance place tomorrow. Oh the movie is OFFICE SPACE...all the more reason to come....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want you to stay, because everyone likes you. If you don't want to work now, then you shouldn't.
Don't feel guilty for wanting more time for yourself, you need to spend more time doing things you enjoy.
No one will hate you, and everyone will enjoy seeing you, when you come in as a customer.
Although I would recommend stocking up, while you still have the discount. :)

11/14/2006 10:02 PM  
Blogger SuzieQ said...

haha Yeah, I think I have plenty of fabric....ugh....I don't know...Thanks for that comment though.

11/15/2006 8:53 AM  

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