Special Request
I've sort of been asked to update again, and although I have been updating other things quite frequently, I'm sorry I have been abandoning this....soo not too much up, just a lot of working...but I'm sort of adjusting in a way...The whole concept of sleeping has [for the most part] been replaced with triple/quad shots of espresso in the morning. And I really do like sweeping/cleaning now. Teachers think I'm a freak when I walk by their desk and straighten a pile of papers...Don't know why, but it bugs me!
Been 'meeting some new people lately' at school...ummm getting better acquainted with the rennies....grade-wise doing grood (great mixed with good)...decided I might be a forensic scientist if I decide to go onto college because I don't like being told what to do and how to do it when it comes to sewing and a CSI was the other choice, which this is the same but different...as we speak I am preparing my outfit for Friday the 13th,though....lot of black, and a little red....and 'the boots.' Not sure how those will work out, though...I'm planning on wearing my chucks to school and work and probably dancing as well, I don't know...the boots are a lot of work...we'll see, I need to put use to them, because they cost me an entire paycheck!!! (Yeah, I know...)
Not too much else going on...a lot of traveling/business, and homework, but I can't remember what, so apparently there won't be any of that...this Sunday I'm going to World's of Fun for the first time. I've never been on a roller coaster and I don't know any of the people going, but oh well, right? Oct 18 (8pm) - Oct 22 I'll be gone....October is really really jammed with lots of crap. On OCTOBER 28/29 (pick a day) I'd REALLY like to go to Mystery Manor ($10) and/or that Ranch of Terror ($14ish)...SOOO if some of you would be interested, that'd be kind of nice to go with people rather than alone or with strangers...OH AND OCT 27 THE EXORCIST IS PLAYING AT DUNDEE MIDNIGHT, come watch it with me!!! :)
Umm I really don't think there is much else to update on...excited for Friday night!! :) Not excited for Saturday morning and having to work 9a-7p. Somehow I think that's illegal, but probably not. I'm hoping to get fired for being tired and such...we'll see how that goes....Not much else I can share with you my friends. :) See you Friday!! ((930-945ish))
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