.::it's all here::.

...a failed attempt to translate thoughts and feelings into words...

Monday, September 4

Take this poll...

I'm just taking opinions, doesn't mean I'll actually do what you think I should...((you can vote more than once))

What career should I choose
What career should I choose?

Hancock Fabrics Employee
Business Owner
Job Hopper
Fashion Designer
Living on the streets with no money and no worries, except murder
Other ((leave a comment specifying your thought))


Blogger SuzieQ said...

It's nice to know at least one person thinks I shouldn't give a shit about life and be a hobo. :) I also love how equally divided it all is, psh that sure helps...I can't sleep. I have to be awake in about 3 hours. What's the point of sleep anyway??

Oh and I posted up lots of Jitterbugs photos in my photobucket. From Jazz on Green 8-24 and Lindy in the Park 9-3. Enjoy....I didn't take them obviously...

9/05/2006 12:48 AM  
Blogger SuzieQ said...

Seriously...I know I don't know 18 people who read my blog. What if I really followed your advice? Think about it...I'd probably be dead or dying of an STD from the other hobos. Nice guys. Real nice. haha I'm kidding...I think.

9/05/2006 6:47 PM  
Blogger Beckstraordinary said...

I think you should be a guru of something.

9/06/2006 10:02 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

i think people are voting more than once... ;o)

9/07/2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger SuzieQ said...

Probably, I made it so that someone could vote more than once if they were tied between two answers...but apparently people just use it to monopolize the voting for fun. Oh well...

9/07/2006 12:34 PM  

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